The impact of the implementation of an Enterprise Wide Clinical System is often of EPIC proportions. Many people in the organization have spent many hours building an amazing system. Then comes the realization that the implementation is starkly different than it was in the design and build phases. Ultimately, the “System” will work but not until the organization has done a “Post-Implementation” workflow analysis that engages line managers in an effort to uncover what the differences are between what they thought was being built, and the reality of how it is working. Epic is an amazing system for large organizations but often the Epic Work Flows become a problem because of the ways in which staff may describe what happens in the current work process. This is where HSMN’s group of Epic Revenue Cycle Consultants can help.
Often at the beginning of the implementation, the focus is getting the “System” up and running. The implementation for the staff seems to be the crowning achievement after months of working endless hours. At this point, the analytic mind stops working as it isn’t thinking about what is different but rather “is it working yet?” It takes many months before the discovery that parts do not work the way they were intended to or that the design and build were not so clearly understood. The results often magnify work-arounds that did not exist prior to implementation or outcomes that are not in sync with smooth transition. Thus Post Epic Systems Workflow rework becomes essential to the success of the entire enterprise.
Post Epic/Enterprise Systems workflow analysis must be concurrent with implementation and the reason is fairly simple. The systems vendor and the internal staff who have helped to build it are focused on the “Go Live” aspect. There is often no one who has the distinct responsibility for monitoring the “the build” vs. the reality. The reality is often the workflows which do not emulate what was done manually in the past and thus create in staff an anxiety that causes them to want to create workarounds. Also, very importantly, without Post Epic Revenue Cycle Consulting the organization doesn’t know if all of the processes were accounted for in the new system.
HSMN has worked closely with organizations who have implemented EPIC and we have successfully been able to support staff in parsing the differences between what was in the build and the intention behind the elements in question. You may have thought that you were building it with specific outcomes in mind and now it seems to be working differently. HSMN with its staff and analytic tools can conduct a thorough EPIC systems workflow analysis and help bridge the differences between the current state of operations and the desired outcomes, especially around the issues of workflow. Staff is often taken offline for the build, they can’t also be offline again to adjust the workflows, or day to day operations will suffer. Our Epic Revenue Cycle Consultants will work hand in hand with your staff to review the workflows and implement solutions.
HSMN can step in to bridge the gap and figure out what needs to be redone while holding processes steady by establishing Epic workflow problem lists and trouble shooting them. We carry out comprehensive Post-EPIC Workflow Assessments and billing quality testing in order to analyze the data and discern the root causes. We work to establish key performance indicators and outcomes to ensure that you can measure your successes. Keeping equilibrium means being able to perform when there is chaos.
With our understanding of Enterprise-wide systems clinical information flow, we can ensure that you do indeed, have an ‘EPIC’ experience.